We urge all parties to work towards an ambitious International Development Association ( IDA) 17 replenishment. 我们敦促所有各方努力实现富有雄心的国际开发协会第17次增资。
Our support for Africa comes largely through IDA, the International Development Association. 我们主要通过国际开发协会向非洲提供支持。
The money is needed to replenish the International Development Association ( IDA) – the bank's main financing arm for poor countries – for the three-year period from July 2008. 这笔款项将用于满足世行针对穷国的主要资助分支&国际发展协会(IDA)自2008年7月起三年期间的资金需要。
Agreement on the relationship between the United Nations and the international development association; 关于联合国与国际开发协会间关系的协定;
Lessons learned in IBRD countries are guiding expansion of CCTs in lower income countries served by the International Development Association. 当前,国际复兴开发银行成员国的经验教训正在指导国际开发协会服务的低收入国家扩大有条件现金援助项目规模。
Money must not be pumped into IBRD at the expense of funds for the poorest countries, such as the Bank's International Development Association. 向IBRD提供资金,不得以牺牲面向最贫穷国家的资金如世行的国际开发协会(IDA)为代价。
Requests for assistance are up at the International Development Association ( IDA), part of the World Bank Group that focuses on the78 poorest countries. 国际开发协会(IDA,即世界银行重点支持78个最贫困国家的机构)接到的援助请求增加了。
The International Development Association ( IDA), which extends zero-interest loans and grants, is now the largest source of financial assistance to the water supply and sanitation sector. 当前,提供无息贷款和赠款的国际开发协会已成为供水与卫生部门资金援助的最大来源。
The International Development Association ( IDA) is an affiliate of the World Bank. 国际开发协会(IDA)是世界银行的附属机构。
Last month, the Bank announced completion of mapping for79 of the world's poorest countries, which receive Bank assistance through the International Development Association. 上月,世行宣布全世界79个从国际开发协会接受援助的最贫困国家的地图绘制完成。
The project is financed through the International Development Association, the arm of the World Bank that provides grants and no-interest loans. 世行提供赠款和无息贷款的下属机构国际开发协会为本项目提供了1.27亿美元贷款。
The Yemen program is part of broader effort to improve lives in low-income countries through the World Bank's fund for the79 poorest countries, the International Development Association, or IDA. 为提高低收入国家人民的生活水平,世行通过其拥有79个最贫困国家成员的机构国际开发协会开展了大量工作,而也门项目就是其中的一部分。
The World Bank is also working to fully integrate climate change adaptation into zero-interest loans and grants from its concessional lending arm, the International Development Association. 目前,世行也在通过其优惠贷款机构国际开发协会致力于将适应气候变化工作纳入无息贷款和赠款项目。